Friday, January 28, 2022

Writing After 40

And here begineth my newest journey--writing after 40. Just 3 months ago, I moved from one age demographic to another. As is wont to happen with such events, I found myself tallying up wins and loses in the categories I truly valued. Where did my life-bliss, writing, fall? Deeply in the red.

As you can see from this unflattering Amazon sales report, even after 13 years and 11 books, I only sold two books this month. The blue lines are downloads of Kingdoms Lost, the first book of my Rise of Faiden series, which is forever free on nearly every platform.

Why blog about something so soul-crushingly demoralizing after not bothering to post in years? Because it's time to make my bliss my priority, and I plan to take fellow discouraged and downtrodden starving-writers along with me. Would that this was the first marker on the path of my sprint to making a living on my writing, and that I begin here a template to be followed by others of similar dismay. 

Let us call this: Day 1.

What did I accomplish today? I published my first Kindle Unlimited book. I have a lot of lofty goals this year (starting a month late for reasons I'll divulge later); among them is to republish existing books with KU exclusive content. The first up: A Whisper of Grey - Kindle Unlimited Edition. It has lovely new formatting, interior art, and a bonus story. 

The idea is to utilize a revenue stream I haven't tapped into, because I didn't want to be exclusivity published on Kindle. This was a way to do both, and to offer KU subscribers something the other markets and print books don't have. Next up is Singular Irregularity, and it shall receive the same treatment. 

Do a writer a favor and check out my free book above, read my KU book if you're a subscriber, and wish me luck!