
Call for Submissions:

Singular Irregularity
Time Travel Gone Terribly Wrong
Art Credit: thyc-graphics

It's only time travel; what could go wrong?

You tell me.

No, seriously, you tell me. When things don't go as planned, what's plan B? What's the contingency? Who cleans up the mess? We're looking for any creative take on the concept of time-travel-gone-wrong. Anything from hiccups in the time-space to full-blown Armageddon. We are not going to curb the creative process with further direction or limits, just entertain and wow us.

Send us your original Science Fiction/Fantasy stories of up to 10,000 words weaving a story of temporal distress. Previously published stories will be tentatively considered. Pay will be .01/word to .06/word, please see below for more details. Deadline for submissions is April 17.

What We're Looking For:
Hard Sci-fi
Soft Sci-fi
Nearly any Fiction sub-genre that suits the theme

What We Like To See:
Character Development
Well-Researched Concepts
Eloquent Prose
Non-Conforming Ideas and Styles

What We Don't Want To See:
Unnecessary Violence or Gore
Sexual Assault of Any Kind
Sexually Explicit Scenes (Romance is okay, but keep it PG-13)

How It Works

Upon completion of the submission period, authors who are extended an invitation to be a part of the Anthology will have a week to respond to inquiries. Authors will need to provide a photo, short bio, and a short blurb or teaser about the story by April 29. A signed contract must be received no later than this deadline for inclusion in the campaign. Sample contract can be found here.

Once the cast of authors is assembled, a Kickstarter will launch to fund the project. Authors are encouraged, but not required, to help spread exposure of the campaign.

Authors will be expected to complete all requested edits during the campaign period (30 days) and maintain an open dialogue with the editor(s).

If the Kickstarter meets its minimum funding goal, all authors will be paid .01/word via PayPal upon debut of the finished anthology in August 2016. For each benchmark above minimum funding (see below), compensation to the authors will be increased. The purpose of the campaign is to offer compensation for creative talent. Thus, in the event that the Kickstarter is unsuccessful, the anthology will not be published, and all rights will revert back to the authors with no obligation to any party.


Pay Is Commensurate With Seven Kickstarter Benchmarks:

(1) Minimum funding goal: .01/word and a PDF copy of the finished anthology

(2) $500 above goal: All contributing authors also receive a paper-back contributor copy of the anthology

(3-7) For every $2,000 above that for the next five iterations, pay per word will be increased by .01/word for original stories, and .005/word for re-prints. Final pay if all seven benchmarks are reached will be .06/word for original fiction and .035/word for re-prints.

Authors are encouraged to spread exposure of the campaign to enable us to increase their compensation.

How To Submit

Send submissions to:    submissions (at) GrayWhisper (dot) com

Please Include:
- Your story attached as an RTF file
- Inline: A few sentences about your story, a few sentences about yourself, and previous publication information if your story is a re-print.
- If you are willing to offer an incentive for a backing bid, (example: allow a Kickstarter backer to name one of your victims/heroes/villains/objects/locations/etc...) what would you like to offer?

Special Note:

It has been brought to our attention that our e-mail server has been sending false errors. Do not be discouraged if you received a failure to deliver notice. It appears we are still receiving submissions without issue.

Please expect a response for your submission by April 22nd. If you have not received a response to your submission, please feel free to contact the editor, Kimber Grey: kim (at) GrayWhisper (dot) com


eunice barbara c. novio said...

can I attach in Word document? I have no idea of RTF.


Kimber Grey said...

Euince Barbara - RTF is a Rich Text Format Document, and it is one of the file formats Microsoft Word is capable of creating. Simply open your document, select "Save As" from your file menu, and select Rich Text Format. :) Knowing how to create this file format can be important for a writer since many markets and publishers prefer it. I hope this was helpful.


DonaldJBingle said...

How many stories do you expect to include? Have you ever done a Kickstarter before? And, most importantly, what is the minimum goal?

Kimber Grey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kimber Grey said...

Dear Donald,
Thank you for your interest.
(amended statement below)

There will be between 100K and 140K words in the anthology. That equates to a minimum of 14 stories at around 10K each. Since Flash Fiction is also being considered, the number of stories could vary. (I must have been very tired when I responded. Please forgive my atrocious math in the first statement)

I have successfully funded another Kickstarter project before this one. It was for a fiction novel, and all incentives were received.

The minimum goal for the kickstarter is based upon paying the authors 1cent/word, Portal and Kickstarter fees, 25% drop-off from pledges not honored, a print-run of 30 books (I originally said 50, but the estimates I have only permitted 30 at the minimum goal), and fulfillment printing if every single pledge miraculously turns out to be the lowest level that receives a printed novel.

The first goal is $3500, and that includes the minium pay to the contributors. The first stretch goal of $4000 would allow me to print and mail physical copies to the contributing authors and artists.


Alex Shvartsman said...


Your guidelines state that all authors will be paid the minimum of $0.01 per word, but later it says that reprint stories will be paid at ".035/word for re-prints" if the Kickstarter campaign reaches all of its stretch goals. Could you please confirm whether the accepted reprint stories will receive the minimum of $0.01 per word, assuming the anthology funds at any level and is produced?



Kimber Grey said...

Hello, Alex. Thank you for your interest. The fully funded pay for reprints is 3.5 cents per word.

Alex Shvartsman said...

Thanks for the clarification! Clearly, math was not a subject required in the science fiction writing school I attended! :)

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